If you’re not 100% sure whether you need an emergency tooth extraction or not, then you need to self-examine closely. Don’t get anxious, we’ll try our best to help you out. Just go over the following common tooth problems quickly and try to nail down if any of those sound like your problem.
- Are you having continuous pain in any of your teeth?
- Is your tooth somewhat shaky?
- Does your tooth tilt to any of the sides? or
- Do you experience any other problems with your tooth?
Well, it could get really scary when you need emergency dental services at an hour when you know that the dentist’s office is closed especially when the emergency occurs in your mouth.
It is easy to find 24-hour health care services available but it’s not the same when it comes to dental services, as you’ll hardly find any dentist practicing at 1 am. Thus, it’s better to equip yourself with some knowledge related to oral hygiene and care; instead of, pressing the panic button. So when you think you require an emergency tooth extraction, here’s what you should know.

Is It Urgent? Ascertaining the Urgency of Your Dental Problem
Not all dental problems are treated as an emergency. While you may experience discomfort, most of them, will not need an emergency tooth extraction. Nonetheless, it’s not right to take for granted everything is fine only to discover that waiting has worsened the problem. So let’s investigate to uncover an “emergency” situation.
Here Are Some Instances Where You’ll Need Emergency Dental Services?
- If your jaw is injured and you experience a continual and intense toothache or swelling in the area, all these are signs of an emergency.
- If one of you’re permanent tooth is loose, or you may have knocked out one of your permanent teeth accidentally, then it’s an emergency.
- If you’re experiencing continual bleeding, then you might require an emergency tooth extraction.
If you experience any one or multiple of these conditions, then immediately contact a practicing dentist near you. In case, your tooth has been knocked out, then it is a dental urgency and you need to act quickly – within 30 minutes you need to see a dentist from the time it was knocked out to save your permanent tooth.
How to Identify Non-Emergency Dental Concerns?
Following are some of the symptoms regarded as non-emergency where you can wait for the dentist to arrive at his/her office.
- If you have damaged or lost your mouthguard or retainer. These aren’t emergencies but annoyances.
- Any missing fillings, broken crowns or bridges can probably wait. You may feel discomfort until it’s replaced, but it isn’t a dental emergency.
- If you experience a dull toothache, you may feel mild pain, which isn’t life-threatening. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as Paracetamol (you’ll get any of these brands Panadol, Herron Paracetamol or Panamax, or whatever local Paracetamol brand that you can buy from your chemist). It will reduce your tooth pain and help you to feel better.
- If food is getting stuck in your teeth, then you may not feel comfortable, generally, you can floss it and help remove it. However, if it doesn’t come out, then it is okay to wait until your local dentist gets back to his/her office, and once they are in, you can call them to schedule an appointment.
- A cracked or broken tooth can wait but there may be a lot of pain linked to the broken or cracked tooth, so it is better to consider it as a dental emergency and reach out to your local dentist.
If you need a dental appointment in Kings Langley? Right away contact Kings Family Dental Centre on 02 9674 3491. Alternatively, you can write your query and send it over to us at info@kingsfamilydentalcentre.com.au for quick assistance.
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